
Fabrique is a strong local business in Hobart that helps create beautiful homes through selling and installing high quality blinds, awnings, shades, shutters and home motorisation from the Luxaflex range.

Our Roles

  • Marketing Agency
  • Marketing Manager
  • Digital Agency
  • CMO for Hire
  • Digital Paid Advertising


When we started with Fabrique back in 2014, they were a good business with a solid team providing great products and a great service. But the owner wanted something bigger.

“The main thing I’d been focusing on was wanting to grow the business and place ourselves as a mid to top end retailer within our market. The plan was to focus on delivering that with everything we do.”

Passionberry’s job was to help the team grow to be a significant business within Hobart, and help make them truly successful.


High quality work, consistently produced over time, and shared with the right target audience builds its own marketing flywheel of new customers.

Everyone has an impact on marketing so it's important to make it a seamless part of their jobs everyday. A true marketing partner helps support the internal training and operational side of the business as much as it's about building campaigns and collateral. If a customer doesn’t get the experience that the marketing promised them, you’ll ultimately find it difficult to grow consistently.


Start small, grow with a positive ROI, scale with your networks.

When Giuseppe first started with marketing, he was very sceptical about its impact on the business. “I’ve worked with A LOT of marketing agencies over the past 20 years.”

Fabrique started with a small monthly budget ($1000 total) trying out Google Adwords. Once he saw some results from that, Passionberry added email marketing which generally delivered 1-2 leads per month, but it also kept him in touch with his customer network. As each piece paid for itself and the business grew, we have added different marketing channels and tactics to keep growing his business.

Leveraging the National Brands

Part of our marketing work was leveraging the excellent national marketing campaigns from the Luxaflex Head Office team. Not satisfied with just letting the Luxaflex team build their own brand, Fabrique have actively promoted Luxaflex and their own brand together in their local area to leverage the power of that brand as well as encourage their ideal target audience to come and see them for high quality solutions.

Providing Marketing and Business Support

While we were building out the marketing elements for Fabrique, Passionberry has always provided a sounding board to many of Giuseppe’s business needs. Whether this has been about team training, admin and operational processes, or simply working out how to better leverage what they do to build sales and their brand, we’ve been a trusted marketing partner for them.

Adding B2B Marketing to the mix

Not satisfied with just a B2C focus, Passionberry has helped build out the B2B side of their business.

If you want to become a strong business that has a great brand that customers recognise and support, you’ll want to surround yourself with other businesses that support that brand and provide complimentary products and services to your own. Find the best builders, architects, developers, interior designers, furniture stores, real estate agents to work with and build referral networks with.

The main outcome of this is the opportunity (although never guaranteed) that you’ll be able to get referrals for their work. And if they are handling apartment blocks, large scale commercial buildings, or million dollar homes, then that will likely see you get high value projects to work on.

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

The strength of the Fabrique brand was built over 20+ years. For example, there was no expectation that Fabrique would be doing video case studies of their work back in 2014. Now it’s just one part of their overall mix to drive sales, better conversions and upsell clients.

“Not everything we’ve implemented has worked, but we’ve grown more by adding things than if we had done nothing. We’re willing to try different strategies and accept it won’t always work - but it generally does. It's about calculated risks from an ROI perspective.

This culminated in 2022 with Fabrique winning the Best Gallery store in the country at the National Luxaflex awards. This was a major achievement.


Winning Gallery of the Year isn't just something that magically happens. It comes together with planning, building a good team, consistency in execution, a bit of luck and having the right support networks in place.

For a store serving a city of 200,000 people to beat out a wide range of high performing stores from large cities to win that title shows just how important building a consistent marketing presence can support a team that serves its clients with highly valued products and a customer experience to match.



150% growth in sales over 7 years


#1 Luxaflex Store for 2021


Passionberry’s advice to keep marketing at the start of Covid worked. During the GFC we kept going and with Passionberry we did really well and even though times were tough, we still did really well as Fabrique was top of mind when there were less people advertising.

I’ve been with Passionberry for 8 years and I completely trust them – even when things don’t work the way we hoped.

We have local companies come to see us all the time saying they’ll do things cheaper. And maybe they could. But to get the results we get [with Passionberry] we simply won’t risk going somewhere else. Getting things cheaper is a false economy if you get the results over time.


Giuseppe Mampieri

